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Vegetable & Fruit Ingredient

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Kudzu Extract 【Product Name】:Kudzu Extract
【Botanical Name】:Puerarin lobate or Pueraria mirifica
【Part used】:Root
【Specification】:4:1 10:1 /Regular Powder / Isoflavones 10-60% / Puerarin 10-90%
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Product Name:Kudzu Extract

Botanical Name: Puerarin lobate or Pueraria mirifica

Part used: Root

Appearance: Brownish Yellowor Brownish Gray powder

Specification: 41  101 /Regular Powder / Isoflavones 10-60% / Puerarin 10-90%

Storage Period: 24 Months

Package: 1kg/bag 25kg/drum

Test Method: HPLC/UV

Storage Conditions: Store in cool and dry places. Keep away from strong light

and heat.



The whole plant is yellowish brown shag. Thick and thick roots. Leaves alternate; long stalked; three compound leaves, apical leaflet with long stalk, rhomboid-round leaves, sometimes with 3 wavy lobes, sharply pointed apex, round base, white pubescent on both sides, The lower part is denser; the lateral leaflets are small, elliptical or rhomboid-elliptic, sometimes with 2 to 3 wavy lobes. The racemes are axillary, the total peduncle is densely yellow-white hairy; the flowers are dense; the bracts are narrowly linear, early fall, the bracteoles are linear-lanceolate; the butterfly-shaped flowers are blue-purple or purple; the calyx is 5-lobed, the calyx is lanceolate The flag petal is nearly round or oval, the tip is slightly concave, the base has two short ears, the wing petals are narrowly elliptical, shorter than the flag petals, usually only one side of the base has ears, and the keel petals are slightly longer than the wing petals; stamens 10, disomy (9+1); ovary linear, style curved. The pods are linear, flat, densely covered with yellowish brown bristles. The seeds are ovoid and flat, russet, and shiny. Flowering from May to September, fruiting from August to October.


Chemical Composition

The root mainly contains Pueroside A&B, puerarin, daidzein, daidzein and other flavonoids, β - sitosterol, arachidonic acid and so on.

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